

On the first night of camp we played spotlight. Callum & I buddied up. This is what happened.

The rules were the first person to the bench won. To start Mr Harrison left to get his whistle then we hid .He blew the whistle 6 times. From then on out if we got found by a teacher we were OUT!!!

Our torches were very different. Callum's torch was red & it was just normal with a white light. My one was a green head lamp with a black and green head band. Also it has 2 light settings, red and white.

We were stuck. Not like in mud but as in a sort of lost. We had been in a spot most of the game, and then from the distance Mr Harrison himself appeared. I hid covering the green dinosaur on my shirt. Somehow I was camouflaged. In the end Callum got caught & I survived.

Camp was really fun but the most fun was playing spotlight.

 By Lochlan McLeod Hanham.

 P.S Highlight the big white space 

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