Camp Stories

Example Story

Writing Steps
Find Your Focus - (work with focus for 20 minutes then take a break)
Brainstorm Ideas - lots of ideas - including describing words of what you see, hear, smell, taste.
Number - your ideas to help you plan your writing.
Draft - write on every other line - cross out bits - circle possible spelling errors - reread as you go.
Edit - does it make sense? read it out loud to your self - point to the words - add full stops - change words to make your writing more expressive - create a crisp picture for the reader.
Publish - type it up and add some fantastic photographs

The shouts and squeals of delight filled the air as everyone from Room 4 and Room 19 explored the rocky beach.  I was excited too, because it was a school day and we were not at school!

For some people it was their first time ever on a beach.  Not for me, but a beach like this one is special. It's special because you can only explore it at low tide and that's when you find the crabs.

I don't think anyone believed Mr. Harrison when he told us that we would find crabs on the beach.  It didn't take long. 

On our way back form the peninsula walk our anticipation was building.  We scrambled down onto the rocky shore that the sea had recently revealed.  The we started.

Almost every stone you turned over had a crab hiding under it: large, medium, small and tiny!  You had to look closely because the crabs were so well camouflaged in the muddy water.  They mores quickly to disguise themselves, but nobody seemed too worried by the small crabs and most people found the courage to hold one carefully in their hand.

A few brave people picked up the larger crabs by their body. As our bravado and knowledge grew about how to hold them without getting nipped more people had a go and caught them too.

There were other things besides crabs on the beach...

Not a school day
First time for some
Camp is fun
Beautiful day
Crabs of all sizes
The seagull skull
rock creatures like aliens from another planet

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