At Camp I Learnt...

At camp I learnt that (she who shall not be named) is so messy.  Her suitcase was big but not big enough, so when we got to our bunk room we had a clothes explosion on our hands!

At camp I learnt to overcome my fear of doing the flying kiwi.

At camp I learnt that female crabs have small clippers.

At camp I learnt to find crabs on the beach. At first I was scared to touch them.

I love the flying kiwi because when somebody pulls the rope it looks like the person is flying.

At camp I learnt not to hold crabs by their front legs because they can wrap around your fingers.

 learnt that male crabs have bigger clippers than female crabs.

I learn how to play the Animal Survival Game.

At camp I learnt that two of my room mates talk a lot at night.

I learnt how to fly on a rope!

At camp I learnt how to hols a crab without getting nipped!

I learnt how to kayak

I learnt how not be be messy with my things!

I learnt how to make a kayak raft by holding on to the other boats.

I learnt to be brave by using a rope to go down a steep track on the sea cliffs.

At camp I learnt how to control a kayak better.

At camp I learnt how to fold my sleeping bag and how to play the Animal Survival Game.

At camp I learnt the flying kiwi activity and that it was hard because you have to pull the rope and hold on to it.

At camp I discovered that I could walk up a really steep hill and how to kayak.

At camp I learnt how to make a pizza that was delicious.

I learnt that it's better to stuff your sleeping bag  into its bag when you need to pack it away.

I learnt to spot other people on the low ropes to keep them safe.

At camp I learnt how to use ropes and climbing clips to do the fling kiwi safely.

At camp I learnt how to balance on the low ropes and how to swing to the tire.

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