Wednesday 12th June

Fix the Sentence
Copy the paragraph into your workbook
Fill in the missing words as you go
(or just write down the missing words)


Sharks are amazing fish that have been around since long before the dinosaurs existed. They live in waters all over the world, in every ocean, and even in some rivers and lakes.

Unlike bony fish, sharks have no bones; their skeleton is made of cartilage, just like the bendy part of your nose.

Do this one together - Just read and fill in the gaps

Sharks continually shed (loose) their teeth. Some can have up to  35,000 teeth in a lifetime. For this reason shark's teeth are a common fossil found in rocks.

The most ancient types of sharks lived 450 million years ago.

Afternoon Art

1. Complete your plankton and marbled paper art
2. Complete your ocean junk and marbled paper art
3. Draw your creature / object silhouette outline on to card and cut it out
4. In your journal write two or three different TEXT ideas to put on your silhouette photo art

Do you understand the double meaning in this first one?
What is the artist trying to communicate?
Is it funny?  Why?

Talk about the possible meaning of this second picture.
What is the artist trying to communicate?
How does it make you feel?

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